Friday, January 26, 2007

new things

So I've been trying to keep track of the new things that I've done here. Besides just "being in Prague," there are a lot of new things I've tried, or have to do daily. Here's the compiled list, so far, in no particular order.
  • been (and eaten!) in an Ikea.
  • ridden a REALLY REALLY TALL escalator. (you'll probably see a post about that later, someone said it has almost 200 feet vertical difference between the top and bottom. plus it's this old soviet thing so it goes really fast)
  • commuted in a foot of snow.
  • ordered food on a menu with no english.
  • eaten a McDonald's happy meal at Gatwick in England (only 1.99 pounds!), although I haven't visited one of the dozens here
  • eaten cabbage and sausage soup, and liked it!
  • listened to a live jazz concert with flute, xylophone, bass, and drums.
  • tried, (but did not like) chocolate chip yogurt... (bleaaaah. it was sour with little bits of chocolate flakes.)
  • bought food in a grocery store that has the food lion symbol but is called "Delvita"
  • successfully figured out which bottle was clothes detergent and which was fabric softener (a very difficult endeavor, but if you try it, detergent has an icon of a t-shirt with a stain on the back while fabric softener has a feather)
  • eaten a stone-fired pizza (very similar to Brixx) and it didn't even cost $5!
  • ridden the yellow line subway to the end of the line one way (getting to Ikea)
  • communicated with someone who did not speak my language (she said something, i said i didn't understand, she said something else, I heard "five" and i realized we were supposed to tip her if we checked our coats, so I did!)
  • watched a movie/commercial being filmed on the steps up to Prague castle
  • seen a Little Caesar's pizza for the first time in a long time - inside Tesco!
  • washed clothes inside something that we guess is a foot-wash sink? it's rectangular, deep, only a foot off the ground, and has a regular sort of faucet on it. But it worked well for our purposes.
  • eaten out every day I've been here, usually at least twice... (that's actually getting a little old, I wouldn't mind simpler things that don't require sitting and waiting and ordering and having to pay over a dollar for water even though I have a bottle in my bag...)
  • learned to be able to stand drinking carbonated water, since they seem to often misunderstand me. the Czech brand, Mattoni, isn't so bad.
that's all I can think of for now. I'm going to be posting some snow pictures on flickr later, we were up on top of the clock tower on Old Town Square yesterday for our first studio. The views with the snow everywhere was gorgeous. Might post one here... though fair warning, I won't have access to my computer over the weekend, most likely, because they lock up our studio and only the professors and director have the keys, and they don't want to come to work on the weekend... So I'll be even later on my emails and updates and such.

1 comment:

Esther said...

Communicating with someone who doesn't speak your language! We were talking about that in my Duke class on Thursday! : ) Sounds like you're learning a lot of stuff about living in Prague! Hope it's been fun!