Monday, January 29, 2007

the fun of trying new things and being optimistic about food.

On Sunday we didn't do very much but wander out to eat and do some laundry and take naps (and on my part listened to the Vintage21 podcast from a week or so ago). But the adventure (using the word loosely) was in the meals. At lunch, we had our first friendly waiter! He actually made a joke as he was serving us, or kind of more made a silly mistake and laughed at himself. So that was a nice first. (not that I blame people for having a lack of warm & fuzziness and fake american smiles and all that. I completely understand that when you feel like crap, and your only job is waiting tables, putting on a smile to placate tourist customers feels practically hypocritical). But it was nice to have one who was friendly. So I ordered an omelette sandwich, (it was kind of a breakfast-y cafe), and saw it came with mayonnaise on it. Now, I don't like mayo. Never have. But I can handle a little bit and I don't mind scraping off the excess when it's just a little blob under the lettuce. And I had heard the warnings that in Europe they like to pile on mayo. But I was feeling optimistic, and I figured it would be simpler for the waiter and whoever made the sandwich if I didn't modify the order at all. But when I got this sandwich... every single layer had a slab of mayonnaise. And the top one, mixed in with the iceberg lettuce, was about half a jar of it. After scraping as much as I could out of the lettuce, tomato crevices, onions, omelette and bread, from both halves of the sandwich, there was at least 3-4 heaping tablespoons of mayonnaise on my plate. plus all the goop that I couldn't get out and just gave up on. It was a good sandwich, I'd never had an omelette sandwich and it was on their fresh homemade bread, and it was less than $5. I'll probably order it again, but... I think I'll bother to ask for "no mayonnaise, please!!!" I couldn't believe someone would actaully choose to ingest that much blobby oil and fat. Bleah.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!! Has James seen this post? This was hilarious.. I'm glad you're expanding your palate a little..

Anonymous said...

I hopped on over for an extended weekend in Prague back over the Thanksgiving holiday. I adored most every facet of the city (yes, even those massive living, breathing metal-teethed pitching conveyor belts that they call escalators) but was taken aback at how rudely I as an Amerrican was treated at most every restaurant I gave my patronage to. Check out the American-friendly Globe bookstore and cafe (I am sure you have by now) and the Tulip Cafe is quite charming as well.