Thursday, January 4, 2007


so no, I haven't left yet... still in the ol' durham. But I was bored tonight so I made my blog. Personally, I feel like blogs have the flavor of narcissism and self-absorbtion, two things I try to avoid, at least on the conscious level. Not that I don't write down thoughts when the mood strikes, but that I have never anticipated anyone else would be interested in reading them. So writing this is a litte awkward for me, but I'm sure my normal ranting, digressing mind will kick in and take over quickly enough. This is fair warning: I probably will go on plenty of tangents, but I'll at least attempt to keep my posts within the realm of "keeping family and friends updated on how I'm doing in Prague" as that is the purpose. I'll be busy here for the next two weeks trying to get everything organized and bought and weighed and pondered over how much i actually need it in the first place... as the title says, preparations. but i needed to post something to make my blog look a little less blank.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Julie. Great blog. Anyone who quotes from Proust has my attention.
I'm living vicariously through you. Hope all goes well in Prague and wherever else you venture.
Take care!

Anonymous said...

You know, it may feel like it's unnecessarily narcissistic for you to write this . . . but here's your unselfish reason. Because otherwise how am I supposed to know what's in your head, eeeeh?

Anonymous said...
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