Monday, March 12, 2007

back... and thoughts on classes and opportunities

I'm back in Prague now, successfully navigating airports to and from our destination in western Germany, and the part in between the flights was soo fun... I don't know... just a really good time. Now I'm back and running in the everyday here in Prague. We've got to put our nose to the grindstone for our studio project, it's a pretty intense project that's really stretching all of us. Partly because the site is a little over a kilometer long... (!!!) and there's all sorts of other crazy factors that are involved. But we have an amazingly good teacher and professor in Martin, and he's definitely pushing us to do our best, beyond that, even.

We're also putting together a booklet of design principles - our second assignment was to basically take a word that one could use to describe a place (mine was mystery, as I've mentioned before, I think), and explore what physical factors about a place contribute to creating that feeling in the place. So pick apart the word and meaning and feeling and put it all back together again in a 4-6 pages, using our own sketches and photos and illustrations. So we're working on ideating for studio, on the layout and content of our parts of the booklet.

Then there's our czech class... czech is a tough language and it's harder because our class only meets on monday and tuesday of each week, which leaves 5 days in between to forget everything and usually results in everyone cramming a lot sunday afternoon/evening (or monday morning). It's fun though, I'm enjoying it. Even though I can only work things out on paper... there's no way I could hold a conversation... but at least as of today I technically can conjugate any verb in past, present, and future tense, and can decline nouns in the accusative and instrumental cases. We'll be working on more of those declensions, soon.

And beekeeping, this friday we're going on a field trip to Kutna Hora under the auspices of visiting a beekeeping museum, but also because it's a beautiful city within driving distance, (they've gotten a charter bus for us, apparently). And who knows what recipe we'll make in the second half of this weeks' class tomorrow... I'm sure it will match the honey cake and honey-gingerbread cookies in deliciousness. Although I'm a little concerned about the final, but of course that's a good month away still.

Our drawing class is so much fun, it only meets on thursday afternoons (our last class of the week). Our teacher is so nice, and very good at helping us and pointing out ways to improve our techniques. She normally teaches elementary-age children, so her patience is never-ending. None of us have really had a formal drawing class before, and we're all benefiting from the instruction. I just wish I could find more time during the rest of the week to draw some, not only in class. Now that the weather's better... maybe I will. maybe...

The opportunities here are so abundant, I'd have to be practically unconscious all day to not learn something somehow... But it's a new sort of juggling, between being on an extended holiday in a new foreign place but still devoting enough time to studio and the other classes to satisfy myself I've done my best at them. And our time here seems so short... shorter with each beautiful spring day that passes (no more winter for us, it's been a very mild winter), they're saying blue skies and warm weather practically until we leave at the end of April. well that's about all my brains' thinking about at the moment, that and summer plans and classes for the fall... once i get my photos from Germany up I'll post some about that.

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