Thursday, March 1, 2007

it's march! and spring break!

mystery, originally uploaded by jumu556.

It's been a busy week, hence the lack of updates in a while, but guess what? It's officially March, and it's officially spring break! The sun is shining the grass is green the flowers are blooming... well... ok the sun is shining somwhere behind the overcast clouds. And certainly the grass is green... it always is, this nice olivey yellowy green color, with a few patches beginning to wake up and grow. The flowers... well I've seen several crocuses blooming, at least a dozen or so! And there are gorgeous tulips in all the flower stands, (and I can see the leaves of the tulips poking through the surface in several parks around here, so they should be blooming within a few weeks, and that makes me excicted, I like tulips).

And I'm on break, but still sitting in studio working on things, and will need to until I leave Wednesday. Allison and I are going to visit my friend from camp, Jens, who lives in Dusseldorf, Germany. He's got lots of exciting plans for us, and promised to get us out of the city since we're seeing lots of cities between Prague and Krakow and Prague and Cesky Krumlov and Prague. There are parks here that are beautiful, but that was my main request, that we get out of the city. Allison's was that he not take us anywhere uncool. Apparently we'll be visiting his uncle who lives near lots of castles, (he called it "the castle district" no idea where it is... but sounds awesome.)

Well I need to get back to my work, but I'll try to update at least once before I go, to let you know what kind of amazing places we visit around Prague before we leave. We've decided this is our big chance to be tourists and take tours and photographs and wander to new places, so that's the plan for the next few days, interspersed with some studio work and emailing and such.

I hope you're enjoying this beautiful beginning of March, whether it's cloudy, chilly, and rainy (or snowy?), or sunny, bloomy, and breezy wherever you are!

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